African Institute of Financial Markets and Risk Management – AIFMRM

AIFMRM is a research institute that focuses on risk management and quantitative finance as part of the Faculty of Commerce at the University of Cape Town.

We supported AIFMRM to design the layout of their annual report, including creating a cover page and a graphic theme that threaded throughout the text.

We created unique infographics to help visualise their achievements, such as research outputs, awards and partnerships. The original imagery came from attending and photographing the institute’s public talks and guest lectures over the course of the year.

Then we followed this up with branded social media posts on AIRMRM’s social platforms, which highlighted their key achievements and report take-aways, helping to bolster readership more broadly.

PR & Thought Leadership

Social Media

Annual Reports


Website Banners

Event Photography


Cape Catalytix


Scientific Computing Research Unit – SCRU